If you see the error below, it doesn’t mean something is broken—it just means you’re using the command incorrectly.
For example, the /me command expects /me [message], but in this scenario it only received /me
If you would like to change the error it gives you, you will need to go to:
Then, replace lines 26–71 with the code below:
---@param source number
---@param args table
---@param raw string
---@param params OxCommandParams[]?
---@return table?
local function parseArguments(source, args, raw, params)
if not params then return args end
local paramsNum = #params
for i = 1, paramsNum do
local arg, param = args[i], params[i]
local value
if param.type == 'number' then
value = tonumber(arg)
elseif param.type == 'string' then
value = not tonumber(arg) and arg
elseif param.type == 'playerId' then
value = arg == 'me' and source or tonumber(arg)
if not value or not DoesPlayerExist(value--[[@as string]]) then
value = false
elseif param.type == 'longString' and i == paramsNum then
if arg then
local start = raw:find(arg, 1, true)
value = start and raw:sub(start)
value = nil
value = arg
if not value and (not param.optional or param.optional and arg) then
local data = {
title = "Error",
description = "Invalid usage received",
duration = 5000,
type = 'error',
position = 'top-right',
icon = 'exclamation-circle',
iconColor = '#ff0000',
showDuration = true,
TriggerClientEvent('ox_lib:notify', source, data)
arg = value
args[param.name] = arg
args[i] = nil
return args
Now, instead of displaying an error print, it will alert them using ox_lib telling them the command received invalid usage.