Adding more drugs
To add more drugs it pretty simple. First you need to go to configs/cfg.lua and understand what each setting is for.
Config Settings
[' '] = The name of the item you want to turn into a drug.
Duration = How long it takes to use said drug, every 1000 = 1 second.
Dict = animation it plays you can find a list of animations here.
Models = prop that is apart of the animation. You can find a list of props here.
Pos and Rot your on your own, that is posistion for the animations and props, have fun!
Effect Names = The effect that plays when the drug is taken. You can find a list of effects here.
Effect Last = The amount of time drugs last for, goes by minutes.
Health and Armour, if you want drugs to give health and armour set it to your desired amount, if not turn it to 0
Message if you have Config.Messages = true, thats the message players get when using drugs
Now after you create the item in the cfg.lua you need to create it as a inventory item. As of now lsc_drugs supports qb-inventory and ox_inventory.. Posted below is a example of how you'd create the item "perc"
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