Config = {}
Config.Framework = "esx" -- esx / qb
Config.Warning = true -- Should player's be alerted with Config.Message if they don't have their attributes set?
Config.Message = "[ ! ]: Your attribute(s) have not been set. Please use /attributes to configure them." -- Message player's get when their attributes aren't set and Config.Warning is true
Config.Commands = {
OpenAttributes = 'attributes', -- Command to open the attributes menu
ClearAttributes = 'resetattributes', -- Command to clear attributes
Examine = 'examine', -- Command to examine a player's attributes
Config.AliasCommands = {
OpenAttributes = 'attr', -- Command to open the attributes menu
ClearAttributes = 'resetattr', -- Command to clear attributes
Examine = 'ex', -- Command to examine a player's attributes
Config.Locales = { -- Do not remove %s it will mess up the script.
errorMessage = "[ ! ]: %s has not set their attributes yet.",
descriptionHeader = "|_____Description of %s_____|",
ageRange = "Age Range: %s",
details = "Details: %s",
clothing = "Clothing: %s",
tattoos = "Tattoos: %s",
invalidPlayerId = "Error: Please provide a valid player ID."
Config.OxLocales = { -- The locale's for the /attributes context menu
Title = 'Set Attributes',
ageLabel = 'Age',
ageDescription = 'Enter your age',
descriptionLabel = 'Description',
descriptionDescription = 'Enter a brief description',
clothingLabel = 'Clothing',
clothingDescription = 'Enter your clothing details (Optional)',
tattoosLabel = 'Tattoos',
tattoosDescription = 'Enter your tattoos details (Optional)'
Config.Colors = {
errorColor = {255, 99, 71}, -- The color for error's and Config.Message
descriptionColor = {61, 150, 74}, -- Color for descriptionHeader
attributesColor = {235, 225, 116}, -- Colors for Age Range, Details, Clothing, Tattoos when using /examine
Last updated